
With energy prices at a record high and set to increase even further, you might be thinking of ways to cut down your energy bills. 

As Winter approaches, here are our top tips to help reduce your energy consumption and keep bills to a minimum. 

Turn off sockets

A simple way to cut down energy consumption is to turn off appliances left on standby. If you struggle to remember to turn appliances overnight, you could use plug sockets that can be controlled via your phone, or use timer plugs to schedule appliances to be turned on and off when you know you're not at home.

Install a smart thermostat

Smart thermostats help reduce your energy consumption by allowing you to track your usage and giving you more control. 
They only heat the rooms that you are using, learn how long it takes to heat a room, and can be controlled by your phone so you can change the temperature even when you're out.

Switch to Energy Efficient appliances

Whilst replacing a perfectly good appliance won't save you a lot of money, swapping old appliances for high efficiency appliances is a worthwhile investment. Look for A+++ rated appliances as these use less energy, helping cut your energy bills.  

Cooler clothes washes

Washing clothes at a lower temperature helps reduce your energy consumption, and if you can condense the number of cycles you do per week this will cut your usage even further. 

Stop the draught

Retaining heat in your property is key to cutting your energy consumption, as a draughty home can cause it to lose heat quicker, making you want to keep your heating on for longer. Investing in double glazing helps insulate your home, as well as sealing cracks, lining your letterbox and blocking unused chimneys. 


If you feel it's time to move home, we're on hand to guide you through the process. Simply get in touch with us, we're more than happy to help. Why not take a look at some of the recent properties that we've brought to market? Who knows, your next home might just be a click away!


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